Monday, January 4, 2010

Ten Essentials: for the Girl in Law School

If I were allowed to keep only ten pieces from my wardrobe, I would choose the items shown above, based on my needs as a law student.

(Preexisting) Essentials in my Wardrobe.
1. J. Crew Super 120s pinstripe gray suit - for interviews and the office
2. blouse that can be worn with a suit or jeans
3. light blue oxford shirt
4. Rich & Skinny mid-rise dark skinny jeans - which I wear every day when I am not in a suit, dress, or sweats.
5. green Herve Leger dress  - for a hot date and Barrister's Ball.  Buy it on sale at or
6. Black Halo little black dress - my dress is actually indigo
7. Black Halo jacket dress - for the office, dinner, and cocktail receptions for attorneys
8. black overcoat
9. closed toe, closed heel pumps
10. large glamorous purse (Devi Kroell)